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Discover the potential of hybrid workflows

Contributing and distributing live video has become increasingly complex and expensive for content owners.

At the same time, there is the pressure to deliver more live content than ever before, while keeping costs to rights takers and viewers in an expanding market of territories competitively low.

The technical and logistical challenges of moving broadcast-grade, low-latency feeds, around the world are certainly a reality. While IP has proven to be a cost-effective and flexible option, the familiar workflows of satellite and fibre remain the default setting for many content owners. However, there is scope for hybrid workflows to come to the fore, leveraging the benefits of both delivery methods.



  • Maximise content value
  • Increase global reach
  • Explore new content formats
  • Diversify revenue streams

Download our White Paper: Integrating Satellite and Broadcast-Grade IP 

Hybrid Workflow

Be the architect of your own content delivery.

Scale in minutes with expand on demand environments and flexible pay as you go options.
Deliver content anywhere with complete global routing and scheduling control.
Manage sports, events, and productions with customisable monitoring and automatic schedule updates
Adapt to any requirement with cloud and protocol agnostic infrastructure
Not only did we find the service excellent, we were able to use our existing broadcast decoders and only pay for the time we needed on the platform. Their support is available when we need it, even turning round last-minute requests for content. Livelink finally makes IP content delivery a genuine alternative to satellite and fibre workflows.

Peter VanDall
Head of Technical & Social Media, Celtic TV

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